Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo
is on a mission to help you step into your most important leadership role and become the LEADER OF YOUR LIFE.
Claim Your SWAGGER!
Her work has appeared in Livestrong, Prevention Magazine, Fast Company, and more.

Jennifer is a TEDx Speaker and award-winning author of Claim Your SWAGGER – Stop Surviving and Start Thriving. She has over three decades of experience working with leaders of all levels including CEOs, and Fortune 500 companies.
Her work is centered around helping people reshape the way they think, act, and behave and her influence has positively impacted over 50,000 leaders globally.
Jennifer’s science-based educational foundation in behavioral change and wealth of practical knowledge set her apart as a distinguished expert in leadership and personal growth.
She is a sought-after speaker and advisor, with a proven track record of delivering impactful presentations and workshops across 18 countries.
Hi, I’m Jennifer.
I’m here to help you excel in your leadership role!
Before you can become an exceptional leader of others, you must first become an exceptional leader of self.
This is not a check-the-box exercise. This is something I practice and work on daily, and some days it’s much easier than others.
This journey requires commitment, courage, humility, relentless curiosity, and SWAGGER.

The SWAGGER I’m talking about, you won’t find in the dictionary. It’s a practice and a lifestyle aimed at helping you build the self-awareness, personal strength, and resilience required to become the leader of your life.
The SWAGGER I’m referring to stands for:

You already have everything you need to excel in this leadership role—you just have to learn how to use it! I know this from personal experience and from the countless others I’ve supported. YOU can do this!
I’m truly grateful that you’re here and for the opportunity to guide you on this journey. If you’re ready, then buckle up, and let’s begin.
You are the sole shareholder, Chairman, and CEO of your life. If you’re not satisfied with your life today, then ask yourself this…
“What am I going to do about it?”
Stop waiting for things to happen; start creating them! Take the SWAGGER Quiz as your first step!